1. The XIIIth International Congress of Virology, International Union of Microbiological Societies 2005, San Francisco, USA (Selected Speaker), 2005: Enterovirus 71 replication complex is associated with cellular membranes
2. Chang Gung University, 2005: Reticulon 3 binds to 2C protein of enterovirus 71 and is required for viral replication
3. National Central University, 2006: Molecular studies of host-enterovirus 71 interaction
4. American Society for Virology 28th Annual Meeting, 2009: Enterovirus 71 induces endoplasmic reticulum stress and modulates the unfolded protein response signaling cascade to benefit viral infection (delivered by Jia-Rong Jeng)
5. National Central University, 2009, Drug discovery against influenza viruses.
6. National Chung Cheng University, 2009, War against influenza viruses
7. American Society for Virology 28th Annual Meeting, Vancouver, Canada, 2009: oral presentation title: Enterovirus 71 induces endoplasmic reticulum stress and modulates the unfolded protein response signaling cascade to benefit viral infection (delivered by Jia-Rong Jeng).
8. American Society for Virology 29th annual meeting, Bozeman, Montana, USA , 2010: oral presentation title: The ER stress transducer ATF6 is cleaved by enterovirus 71 for viral replication.
9. Keystone symposia: Pathogenesis of Influenza: Virus-Host Interactions, Hong Kong, 2011, oral presentation title: Identification of BPR3P0128 as an Inhibitor against Cap Snatching Activity of Influenza Virus.
10. Indo-Taiwan Workshop, ISF College of Pharmacy, Moga, India, 2011, invited speech title: Identification of Inhibitors of Influenza Virus.
11. American Society of Virology 32nd annual meeting, Pennsylvania State University, State College, Pennsylvania, USA, oral presentation title: Reticulon 3 Binds NS4B of the Hepatitis C Virus to Inhibit NS4B Oligomerization.
12. 台灣微生物學會病毒研討會, Tainan2012, invited speech: Development of combinational inhibitors against influenza virus from traditional Chinese medicine.
13. 中原大學生物科技學系, Taoyuan 2015, Invited speech: A large-scale screening of miR-197 targets identifies RAN as an essential factor for enterovirus 71 protein nuclear transport and replication
14. 長庚科技大學民生學院校慶系列學術活動 Taoyuan 2015, Invited speech: Drug development against RNA viruses
15. Hong Kong City University, Hong Kong 2016, Invited speech: Development of anti-enterovirus 71 agents that target the ER stress signaling pathway and capsid protein VP1.